Thursday, April 24, 2008

Feistivities II

So Feist.

Is it wrong that the music became background noise to the silhouette shadow play going on behind her?

Her music is enjoyable, sure. But when I realized that the two girls in black (the band was all in white) were generating the images on a projected light table in the back corner, I couldn't watch anything else, and was sad when the song didn't feature the visual element.

There were leaves that they blew across the table... branches that danced and created dreamy, unfocused forests.
The cut paper was beautiful: a bird twittered and flew, a watering can brought forth flowers and a house, and the legs of three dancing girls kept time to a bass beat.

There was a transparent film covered in ink (or paint?) and a hand drew out ever-increasing waves, a heart that was scrambled into angry skies and an abstract sailboat that was overtaken by a tsunami created with the flick of a wrist.

It was like a magic lantern show - simple and charming, and the music was a lovely addition.

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