Sunday, June 10, 2007


So today was a weird day for me- not the best day - not the worst day -
but it brought home alot of things...
that bad things happen,
but good things happen, too
and they're often happening at the same time.

today i had birthday plans,
but then i got horrible news

so... what do you do?
it wasn't necessary for me to go home - my parents were dealing with the family to whom it happened, and i wouldn't be of any real help... i was even instructed to not send anything until further notice...

but birthday plans seemed empty knowing the depth of grief so close to me...

so i talked with friends... and went to the beach... and out to dinner...

i kept thinking about striking a balance between the need to be frivilous and fun when there is so much that needs attention and so many people who don't have the time for frivolity...

i knew someone years ago who spent so much time tending to those in need: homeless, hungry, disabled and sick - it was wonderful, if you were homeless, hungry, disabled or sick - but if not... well... get in line.

i know that in the time i knew him, i had a lot more crisises than ever before - or since - coincidence...?

so i know that balance is important - and i know that sadness breeds sadness and joy breeds joy - so today i decided to stick with joy, and save the sadness for a more appropriate moment...

so here's a little joy from about thirty years ago...

1 comment:

Carol said...

I hope you had a nice birthday anyway. In a way, I can relate. Several years ago, my great-uncle (who was very close to my family, really very much like a grandfather to me, since mine passed away when I was a baby) died on my father's birthday. So now the day is kind of split -- celebrating dad, yet at the same time everyone can't help thinking about the sadness the day holds as well. Finding that balance is indeed a challange.