I had an epiphany the other night.
See, I have this apartment filled with things: quirky things, vintage things, things that at one time or another spoke to me.
But they've stopped.
They've been silent for a while now.
I still hear whispers from the things I made or were made for me, but the din of everything else has been quieting down.
I didn't own much when I moved here from Arizona - in fact, I slept on the floor the first 6 months I lived in my apartment here.
I had a story, but it didn't meet my expectations, so I began creating a new one. One filled with vintage and eccentric items picked up from travels I made, wanted to make or liked to think I would have made with the right time and money.
But then something wild happened, I began to like my story - a lot.
And I'm not a scrappy 1930s gal, or a mid-century doyenne, an early 20th century gentleman scientist or a 50s boyscout.
So... what to do with these things...?